10 Important Lessons To Learn When You Feel Like A Failure

Hello everyone, meet us again and on this occasion we will discuss what we must do when we feel like a failure.

Really, we didn’t plan for failure, but anything can happen and it can happen to anyone, right?

Basically, failure teaches us a lot of things and often even brings up a good opportunity.

Those who experience failure can write songs, books, inspirational quotes, and films about it. One good thing, they always talk about failure in the past tense, like it’s fine to discuss it once we’ve transcended, made meaning, and re-emerged.

News of failure is a nuisance. When you feel like you’ve failed at life, it can be difficult to identify the romantic, poetic, or meaningful message we want to learn, especially because we’re too angry or heartbroken to look for it.

Feeling like a failure in life consumes energy and comes in many forms. The only guarantee in life is that in reality we will fail. We would do it again and again, and as the failures grew, it felt like the earth was falling under our feet.

Here are a few ways how failure can look and feel.

Failure can look like:

  • fired
  • Bankrupt or experiencing financial difficulties
  • No promotion
  • Be a ghost
  • Stop dieting
  • Going through a divorce, sometimes more than once
  • Stand up when you want to stand
  • Fail to complete your main goal or just your daily to-do list
  • Doing everything right and still losing where it seems count.
  • Something you devote to revealing faults.

Failure can feel like:

  • Disappointment
  • Disappointment
  • Deflation (lots of “d” words, I know)
  • Vacancy

On the other hand, failure can also feel like:

  • growth
  • change
  • progress

So, what exactly are the lessons that take place in between that help us go from the depths of despair to courageous by wisdom? Turns out, they’re there if we want to see them.

Here are 10 important lessons to learn when you feel like a failure in life [source].

1.There are Benefits in Trying

If you fail, the underlying truth is that you definitely tried to be in this position. The fear of failure is so deep that many people choose not to try just to avoid the possibility of failure.

In a survey by Linkagoal, fear of failure hit 31% of 1,083 adult respondents — a larger percentage than those who fear spiders (30%), being home alone (9%), or even being psychic (15%) .

If you find yourself feeling like a failure, it means that you mustered up the courage to do something difficult. Remember that the same courage doesn’t go away just because it doesn’t work out the way you hoped it would. Celebrate your willingness to try and notice that this is the same passion that will drive you as you move forward and try again or try something new.

2. Failure To Humble Us if We Do Not Face It With Strength

If we praise our failures too much, we remember them as predictors of inevitable future failures. It’s as if by failing at something in life, you will never succeed in that area again. We make a disaster of our failure, widen its scope, and turn a single moment in time into a self-fulfilling prophecy that we will replay.

But we don’t have to. When we admit our failures for what they are — nothing more, nothing less we allow them to belittle us. We accept it and name what happened, tell the impact, and keep it that way. We see it as data and recognize that it has nothing to do with whether we will fail or succeed or not in the future.

3. Mental Exercises of “What if” Are Useless, Reuse Time

What’s done. Relive our moments of failure is useless. “Would”, “could”, and “should” come to mind when we consider all the things that could turn out differently, if only. But the truth is that the time we spend in these unnecessary replays could be better spent working to take 100% ownership of the part we control that caused the failure.

This is our chance to spend some time reflecting and identifying the key factors very honestly. Many of us look for opportunities to escape adversity when failure is too painful. Instead of acknowledging what we could have changed, we look to external sources to blame or alter memories with excuses.

Not every failure is within our complete control, but there are often parts we can take responsibility for, learn from, and come up with better in the future.

It is better that you “only focus on the aspects that are within your control. Feeling in control is the literal antidote to feelings of helplessness and demoralization that will motivate you to try again, minimize your chances of failing again, and increase your chances of success.

4.Accountability Cannot Be Shared

Martyrdom is not the goal, and we want to avoid mistakes. Accountability, however, is important. We like to acknowledge mistakes that we recognize through self-reflection and express 100% accountability in conversations with external parties affected by our failures.

Responsibility can be shared and others may have some roles to play, but to understand our failures, we must take this opportunity to state our impact regardless of our intentions. The point is to eliminate excuses, mention what happened, and state what happened next, even if no one else was involved.

For example, when you feel like a failure in life because you were missed for a promotion in your career, it may not require a conversation with your boss, but you can reflect on whether there is any accountability for the time you could have. be more committed to your work and set goals so you can focus more on the next quarter and make points to defend yourself more openly.

On the other hand, if the failure was a breakup and self-reflection shows you ways to be more communicative or transparent throughout the relationship, you can admit that to the affected party and notice that this is something you plan to work on. before moving on to your next relationship.

5. Elimination Process Applies

Think about the last time you answered a multiple choice question on an exam. You have to use logic to organize your choices to the most probable possibility, and if there is no certainty, you may take a smart guess.

Life offers us equal opportunities all the time, and we can see failure as helping us to draw closer and closer to the “right answer.”

All the things that are not supposed to make us understand more about how it should be. Failures in life serve us in this way. When we can process our failures productively, extract the information they provide, and proceed with insights, we get closer to the results we expect to find.

6. Substandard Stats Still Belong to Winners

Baseball players who have a batting average of 300 or more are usually considered all-stars or aspiring farmers. Meaning, if you have a hit average of 300, you basically fail 70% of the time.

Now, that doesn’t sound very impressive right? But the truth is that we fail more often than we succeed in our lifetime. It’s time to put things in perspective and reflect on your failures.

7.You Find Out From What You Do

Failure is not for the faint of heart. When you fail, I mean completely fail in life, it hurts really hurts. It is not an easy thing to overcome the difficulties that come with failure in the big time. Still, there’s something we prove to ourselves when we choose to go back there and try it again.

Trusting after a broken heart, applying for a promotion after it’s been missed, asking the next person out after being tricked by the metaphorical steps we take to “get back on the horse” prove to us that we are tougher than we realize. We have tried and failed before, so we can try and fail again.

When we learn to rebound, we learn what we are capable of.

“The experience of getting out of the comfort zone is not a pleasant experience, but the confidence, the feeling of relief we call ‘excitation transfer’ is very strong. The sense of mastery, ‘Wow, look what I just did,’ is a learning experience. Fear itself is unpleasant, but people never remember it. What they remember is that positive high.”

When we work hard from failure to try again, we can master the art of failure going forward.

Little children who learn to walk hundreds of times fall to the ground, but they don’t decide to crawl for life. They stood still. When we take advantage of the same childlike comforts as failure, we can approach life more lightly and push back all the negative talk we learned as we grew.

“If I fail people will judge me,” If I try and everyone sees me failing, I will lose their respect. ” Who cares? Living life is hard.

8.Everything in a Frame

You must decide how you want to think and talk about your future failures. What you choose to mention says a lot about what failure means to you. If you keep thinking and talking about all the painful remnants of failure, you are perpetuating the biggest problems in life.

As stated earlier, “fear leads to anger, anger leads to hatred, and hatred leads to suffering.” When you talk about learning, you are perpetuating the growth of a world that is painful to watch.

9. Sharing is Caring

Reuse your learning and save others from trouble, I’ve always questioned the adage that every generation must learn for itself that irons are hot I call the bull! Some may heed the warning.

Granted, failure finds us all, and there are some lessons we should all learn on our own, but it never hurts to share your story. Be open, transparent and bold in the way you offer your insights to the world.

Whether it’s in the context of a mentorship relationship, sharing publicly on your blog, or a snippet you share when you sit down on a panel one day, never underestimate the impact you can have by sharing an “aha!” That stems from your failures. People will appreciate your humility and feel they too have permission to fail.

10. Can Be Released

If you’re notoriously hard on yourself, you may feel compelled to hold on to failure, but once reflection, accountability, and learning occur, the failure has served its purpose. Let go, and free up space to take your next step. In addition, there are many more failures left in you!


Life is just one great opportunity to become very good at failure. There are so many opportunities to screw it up when you feel like a failure in life, but there are far more than 10 important lessons to learn.

See each day as a new opportunity in courage — a new day to practice learning from mistakes and applying that learning to the next big risk. It’s okay to fail in life because that doesn’t mean you’re a failure for life. No one ever succeeds without first failing at some point.

Whether you’ve failed at full speed or are hesitant to avoid missteps, let today be your first day of failure with the full belief that there is purpose in everything you do.

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