25 Beautiful Love words for your Lover

25 Beautiful Words of Love for Your Lover That Can Represent Your Feelings. Are you looking for beautiful and romantic love words for your lover? If so, you can find them here. There are lots of quotes that can be used as references to represent your feelings. About anything, huh? Immediately, see in full below.

When in a relationship, love must be nurtured and cared for so that it does not disappear. You don’t need to give gifts or expensive things to your loved one every day. Because giving or sending beautiful and meaningful words of love can make him happy. That way, the relationship that the two of you life will be even more romantic and harmonious.

Well, in this article, you will find various quotes taken from sources such as movies, books, songs, and others. You can send these words directly to your idol or you can also make it a caption on your Instagram upload.

So, are you impatient to read beautiful words about love for your lover? If so, no further ado, just check out the full details below! Let’s read!

25 Beautiful Love words for your Lover
25 Beautiful Love words for your Lover

Beautiful and Romantic Love Words for Lover


1. Pray to Be Together

In every prostration, I pray that you will always be a part of my life.

When you love someone, one of the things you want the most is to be there for them in good times and bad times, right? With all your strength, you also try to really maintain the relationship so that it can last.

Apart from manifesting it in action, you can also say his name when praying to the Almighty as written on the beautiful words of love for this girlfriend. Because after all, God is in control of everything. If you pray sincerely, surely He will grant your request to always be with him.

2. Change My World

One smile may not change the world, but yours can change mine. Zakiya And Majid

When you met your lover for the first time, what did you think about what attracted you to him? It could be because of her beautiful physique, polite demeanor, or it could be as simple as her sweet smile. A person’s smile can indeed have such a devastating effect.

Well, if you are looking for beautiful love words for your lover and make his heart touched, just use this quote. Show him that his cute smile is that special so that it can change your world to be more colorful and happier.

3. Accompany me, OK?

Life is too short and the earth is too large. Can you keep me company, for both? Kharisma P. Lanang

You may have explored a tourist spot on your own. When alone, you are free to go anywhere and can truly enjoy the view. The taste is good, but there is something missing. It then makes you think how wonderful it would be if you could go out with your partner and share your happiness.

If you want to invite your boyfriend to go somewhere with romantic words, just use the quote above. Not only that, but these beautiful love words can also be used as a reference if you want to apply for your idol, you know.

4. I Never Think

When I first met you, I honestly didn’t think that you would be such an important part of my life.

In this digital era, uploading photos of your partner on social media accounts can be one way to express your happy feelings because you have them. Not only photos, but you also have to accompany them with a caption to make it more romantic.

If you are confused about finding the right words, you can use these beautiful love quotes for lovers. When he saw the upload and read the caption later, he would definitely feel very happy. Sometimes being romantic with your partner doesn’t hurt. By seeing him happy, you will feel the same way too.

5. So Lucky

Sometimes when I see you, I wonder how I got this lucky.

What do you think about when you read these beautiful words of love for a lover? Maybe you have felt the same way, which is feeling so lucky to find someone who really wants to understand and accept you for who you are.

If so, take care of your relationship and make him happy. Because out there, there are still many people who are looking for their soulmate and hope to be as lucky as you.

Beautiful Words of Touching Love for Beloved


1. My Favorite Place

You are a favorite place I go to when my thoughts need peace.

What do you usually do when you feel down or stressed? Maybe one of the things you do is take a break to just rest your mind that is messy. But, if you have someone who is considered ‘home’, surely you will go to him to complain, just like the beautiful words for this girlfriend.

Even though it doesn’t necessarily solve the problem, its existence can give you strength and comfort. Now, if you feel calmer, surely you can think more clearly and find a better solution to your problem.

2. Always by your side

I can’t promise to solve all your problems. However, I promise that you will not go through it all alone.

If in the previous quote you made your partner “home”, this time you are the one for him. Sometimes, there are types of people who rarely tell their partners about their problems and choose to keep them to themselves because they don’t want to be a burden.

If it happens that your partner is that kind of person, then you have to learn to be more sensitive. When you know he’s down, but you also don’t want to force him to tell a story, just send the quotes of love above. Even though it looks simple, but those words can be a strength to him. Who knows after that, he will feel more comfortable and free to complain about you.

3. Be with you

I just want you to know that when I imagine myself happy, there you are.

When you read these beautiful words of love, the figure of your lover must immediately come to your mind, right? Yes, that’s how special he is that you can’t imagine a happy life without him.

If his presence really means something to you, then let him know. Be romantic to be with your partner, it will also make your relationship more harmonious.

4. Nothing gets in the way

When two people are meant to be together, no time is too long, no distance is too far away, and nothing can separate the two of them.

You and your partner are currently undergoing an LDR and need a motivational quote to strengthen each other? If so, you can send romantic words for this distant boyfriend to him. Having a relationship is not easy. Moreover, in long-distance relationships, there will definitely be challenges that must be faced.

However, you must remain passionate about it. If you are a mate, you and your partner cannot meet for a long time because they are separated by a great distance (even), then you will definitely be reunited again.

5. Look at Yourself from My Point of View

If I can give you one thing in this world, I want to give you the ability to see yourself from my point of view. That way, you will realize how special you are to me.

Have you ever been in a position where your partner felt insecure about being in a relationship with you? Not because you feel you don’t love him anymore, but because of what people say bad about him and think he doesn’t deserve to be side by side with you. If so, you might be able to give beautiful words of love that are full of meaning for this lover.

Tell him not to care about other people who talk things. They could say that because they couldn’t see how precious he was. Reassure him that he is very special to you.

Beautiful Words for Lovers from Popular Movies

25 Beautiful Love words for your Lover
25 Beautiful Love words for your Lover


1. One Word: You

I’ve never met someone who believed that I had enough, until I finally met you. Love & Other Drugs

Maybe you have been in situations where you got caught up in an unhealthy relationship. Your ex-partner demands too much of what you can’t fulfill. After the relationship ended, you became traumatized and felt that you were never enough and worthy of being loved by another person.

Until one day, someone comes who can understand and accept you as you are. It must have tasted so much fun and maybe it can’t be described in words. Therefore, don’t let past trauma prevent you from getting the happiness you really deserve.

2. Better

You make me want to be a better man. Melvin Udall, As Good as It Gets

Even though these beautiful words of love for boyfriends are so short and simple, they have a deep meaning, huh? So, have you ever felt that you wanted to be a better person for your partner?

Because when you love someone, you want the best for them. Whatever you will try to make him happy because his happiness is your happiness too. It also includes giving your best.

3. With him

When I’m with him, I feel happy and truly alive. It feels like I can do anything. Boy Meets World

Are you looking for beautiful and romantic love words to make Instagram captions? Well, you can use this quote if it fits and can represent what is being felt.

Spending time with someone does have such a powerful effect. It not only makes you happy, but also gives you a boost so it feels like you can do anything, maybe even conquer the world.

4. Make You Happy All My Life

You make me feel happier than I ever imagined. If you want, I’d like to spend my whole life trying to make you feel the same. Friends

If you are looking for the right words to propose to your lover to be more romantic, maybe you can use beautiful love quotes taken from quotes from the movie Friends. Simple but full of meaning, surely your boyfriend will feel touched after hearing it.

Making a woman happy is not only measured in materials or luxury items. Genuine expressions accompanied by real actions can also make him happy. How? Have you really made up your mind to propose to your lover?

5. Keep Loving You

The you who are now, are still the same you who I loved yesterday, and you who I will love tomorrow. If I Stay

These beautiful and romantic words of love are taken from the film If I Stay which was adapted from the novel of the same name by Gayle Forman. In your opinion, what does this quote actually mean?

Yes, that is true. Whatever happens to your partner, even if your partner becomes wrinkled, gets thinner, or fatter, will not reduce the level of your love for him. Because you love him not just physically, but everything in him. You will continue to love her past, present, or in the future.

Aphorisms of Love Taken from Novels


1. Become Hers

In this world, I can become anything, but what I want is to be hers. Rupi Kaur, The Sun and Her Flowers

Rupi Kaur is a modern woman poet Canadian who is known for her captivating words. His name is known after uploading his poems on social media. Because many people liked his writing, he has succeeded in publishing two books of his collection of poetry.

The poems he wrote were not only about motivation to live life, but also about matters of love. One of them that you can read is the beautiful words of love for the boyfriend or girlfriend above. Romantic, right? It’s also suitable if you want to make an Instagram caption, you know.

2. Always There For You

Because after the rain, there is always someone who comes as a rainbow and hugs you. I want that person forever me. Abdurahman Faiz, Nadya: A Story from a Shivering Country

One manifestation of sincere love for your partner is wanting to always be there for every moment of his life. Even more so when he was going through a difficult time. Not only do you want to be a support, but it also shows how much you really care for him.

Isn’t that sweet? Do you have the same wish as what is written in the beautiful words of love for lovers taken from this novel by Abdurahman Faiz?

3. Go hand in hand

Hold my hand, but not too tight, because I want to be along and not led. Philosophy of Coffee, Dee Lestari

Do you agree with his opinion? Because that’s how it should be when you are in a relationship with someone. Walk side by side and still provide room for each to continue to grow. Not that he was too restrictive and forced his will on him.

4. I am happy with you

Why go farther in search, while in you alone I have found a reason to live: to be happy with you. Moammar Emka, Dear You: For what? Thus I Love You

If you are looking for beautiful words about love that are suitable to show your feelings for your lover, just use a quote taken from the novel Dear You: For What? Thus I Love thisNot only does it sound romantic when it is sent directly to him, but it is also okay to use it as a caption on social media.

This quote means that you don’t have to look for happiness in a distant place because your happiness is in sight, namely him. How romantic.

5. Always Pray For You

I love you. That’s why I’ll never finish praying for your safety. Sapardi Djoko Damono, Rain in June

There are many things you can do to express your feelings of love to your partner. It doesn’t have to be by giving him a luxurious gift or a vacation abroad that costs money. But, praying for his safety is also a form of your love for your partner. Exactly like the beautiful words of love written by Sapardi Djoko Damono.

Beautiful Words of Love For Boyfriend Taken from Romantic Songs


1. Want to Make You Happy

When I look at myself, I feel like I’ve changed since I met you. I started dreaming and I also want to make your dreams come true. Park Won, All of My Life

You may have compared your current self to before you met your lover. If you look back, it turns out that you find many positive changes in yourself. If that’s the case, then congratulations because you’ve found the right person.

A good partner will make you find the best version of yourself from ever before, just like these beautiful words of love for your boyfriend. So, do you agree with the quote taken from this part of Park Won’s lyrics entitled All of My Life?

2. Happy with you

I feel very happy after meeting you. I can love you even more because you can tolerate and understand my thoughts that are sometimes still childish. Paul Kim, Me After You

Perhaps it is true that a person’s maturity cannot be measured by age alone. Whether you know it or not, you may still be acting childish a lot. After realizing it, you then think how lucky you are to have a lover who can compensate for this and can act more mature than you. Because if it’s someone else, maybe he won’t be that patient to face you.

To appreciate your loved one, just give a little surprise such as uploading a photo and being given a caption of these simple and beautiful words of love. He will definitely feel touched and feel his existence is really appreciated by you.

3. The most beautiful gift

When you are by my side, the world is cheerful again. Affirm that you, the most beautiful gift I ever had. Sheila On 7, The Most Beautiful Gift I Have Ever Had

If you are a 90s generation, maybe you are familiar with this song by Sheila On 7. The song of the Most Beautiful Award I Have Ever had was not only popular at its time, but is still frequently played today. Especially if it weren’t for the nice song to hear and the lyrics are simple but have such beautiful meanings.

Well, you can make your lover feel special by sending him beautiful words of love taken from the lyrics of this song. She’ll love this, even though it looks small, but your actions will definitely make her feel happy.

4. Always waiting for you

When you need space to wander, I’ll always be here waiting patiently to see what you’ve found. Jason Mraz, I Won’t Give Up

There are many people who are willing to leave a relationship for fear of having limited space. Especially for women who later get married, they may not be as free as before. But in Jason Mraz’s song I Won’t Give Up, the man frees his woman to develop herself and continues to wait for her.

Isn’t that sweet? Which type of man are you yourself? Free your partner to keep on pursuing their passion and continue to develop themselves or better at home?

5. Take care of you

My life is beautiful, I will always take care of you so you can still lean on me. Crush, Beautiful

Does girlfriend like watching Korean dramas? If so, you can send beautiful words of love to your boyfriend taken from one of the popular Korean drama OSTs, Goblin.

This simple and sweet sentence means that your life has become so beautiful since there was him. You will continue to take care of him because he is the source of your happiness. Guaranteed to definitely make your boyfriend touched when reading it.

Also read: 25 Romantic Flirt Words Make You Emotional

Which Beautiful Words of Love Will You Send to Your Lover?

Those are the 25 love words for your lover or boyfriend that you can read on lovepsychologys. Are there any of these quotes that hit your heart that you would like to send to your partner? Hopefully, there is, yes! If, for example, you want to write romantic words for your boyfriend yourself and use the quote above as a reference, then of course you are.

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