How to beautifully tell a guy about breaking up – 100 examples

How to beautifully tell a guy about breaking up – 100 examples. Breaking up is always difficult, unpleasant and sometimes very painful. And even if there are mutual feelings, people cannot always be together. And the reasons are very different.

It is important to choose the right words to convey your idea accurately, without double meaning, but as tactfully as possible.

TOP 100 phrases how to say about parting if you love

Depending on the situation that caused the breakup, as well as your feelings, you can use different phrases to announce the breakup.

Do you want him to be sorry, or just for it to end and you not see each other again? Depending on your feelings and desire to show or hide your pain, you will definitely choose the right one.

In the first place it is possible to say:

  • Today I say goodbye! with a heavy heart and sadness in my soul, but it will be right.
  • I am grateful for the happiness you gave me. I’m sorry, but my heart can’t take it if I give you another chance.
  • All life is a series of partings, but it hurts the most if they don’t even bother to say goodbye to you. I say goodbye.
  • My love is not enough to save our relationship. Its end.
  • Love without reciprocity delivers tremendous pain. I’m sorry, but I can’t do that.
  • By sending this message, I am experiencing severe heartache and cutting you out of my life.
  • Sometimes a breakup is the best way out.
  • It’s time for us to live our lives.
  • We will never forget each other, but we will never return each other.
  • With this farewell message, I end our game of love.
  • In recent days, I have become very distant, I think you yourself have noticed it. Let me go and try to forgive me, please.
  • If you suddenly find yourself in trouble, I will certainly come to the rescue. Only as a good friend, just an acquaintance, but nothing more.
  • Let’s be honest. Everything has cooled down between us. It’s time to part.
  • We need to break up. Better to be miserable without you than with you.
  • Once close people became strangers. Goodbye.
  • It will probably take me a lot of time and effort to recover from our breakup. No name for prosecution.
  • You are in my heart forever, and this is perhaps the saddest thing. After all, I can not love anyone like you.
  • I am sad to admit, but wishes are not destined to come true, this is the end!
  • Proceed with the cheloviek, so that you are ill on it.
  • I can no longer be with you, I’m leaving for good.
  • I don’t want to suffer all my life, I’d rather say goodbye! now.

How to break up?

  • Our relationship from the stage of mutual understanding, love and sympathy moved to the stage of constant screams, quarrels and disputes. I sincerely want to leave.
  • I need freedom, so today I say goodbye to you forever.
  • I’m tired of the constant mess of feelings. We are breaking up.
  • Parting at the peak of feelings is tantamount to surgery without anesthesia. But I can handle.
  • I love you still, but I no longer have the strength to be in this relationship.
  • I sincerely believe that everything will be fine with you, that you will find your happiness.
  • You call this relationship love, but I don’t feel happy at all.
  • Parting is inevitable – when it is necessary and you are, it is allowed and you are. Time had to be valued.
  • Many times I tried to fix something, to establish relationships. No where not. I made the decision that we needed to break up.
  • Everything that is done is for the best. It just happens that sometimes people stop understanding each other, retreat from their ideas and aspirations.
  • A woman should glow, being next to a man, and not be sad. I can not take it anymore.
  • Parting with a loved one is a happy ticket to a new life.
  • Let everyone now go their own way.
  • We both need to change lives, especially since you already started it. We are not together anymore.
  • Parting is not always enmity and hatred. I hope you manage to maintain warm friendly relations.
  • I’m breaking up with you, staying true to myself. Relationships are over.
  • Breaking up is always sad. It doesn’t matter at all whether you loved the person or not. A part of your soul goes with it.
  • The time I spent with you was wonderful! I will remember you, your kisses and hugs.
  • I hope that another girl will give you much more happiness than I once did.
  • Breaking up is always hard, so it’s best to remember that all good things always come to an end.
  • I sincerely wish you happiness. Thanks for all the good things we had.
  • Wait for your happiness and forgive me for the pain caused.
  • Everything has passed, we are two loneliness, we are not destined to be together. Forgive me, goodbye.
  • It just so happened that our relationship is tired of trials, quarrels and insults. It’s time to finish.
  • It’s hard for me to accept the fact that you don’t love me the way I love you. Therefore, I break off this painful and sad relationship.
  • I wish you only good and happiness. Forgive me, but it’s time to put an end to our story.
  • You are not my man. Forgive me and goodbye.
  • You can part and love, the pain will resolve little by little.
  • Unrequited feelings are the worst thing that happens in life. We need to break up.
  • It is terrible to lose the person to whom the heart has grown. There is no future for us, so we should part.
  • Not two years, it is resolved. I’m in pain, but there’s no other way. Forgive and let go.
  • It’s strange, but even when you know that there are no prospects when you break up, your heart is still heavy.
  • We have different roads, we cannot be together.
  • Our love with you had a happy beginning, a beautiful story, but, unfortunately, it’s time for this story to end.
  • I believe that a bright future awaits us, but separately.
  • We do not understand each other.
  • Прости меня за всё, пожалуйста. In the moment when the distribution is done, it is important to know that you are in control.
  • Let’s find the courage to say goodbye forever, because we are adults.
  • We are too different to be together.
  • It hurts me a lot to talk about this, but we are not right for each other.
  • Fly with your wings spread and find true happiness. You will always be my favorite man in the world!
  • I’m sorry, but there’s no point in continuing the relationship. Unfortunately, we have to part ways.
  • I’m sorry we can’t be together. Thank you for being in my life.
  • Prostitute, no more kazhetsia, that it is on the other side of the building.
  • Instead of loving me even more, you chose to break my heart. Thank you and bye.
  • It is painful and unpleasant, but we have no future. We tried, but failed.
  • There is so little air in our relationship that it’s hard for me to breathe. I can’t live like this anymore, so I propose to leave.
  • I’m really sorry we didn’t have a happy ending. I sincerely wish you happiness!
  • I need a person who will be by my side. Unfortunately, we cannot be together.
  • “Us” is no more. There is only “you” and “I”.
  • I’m sorry, but we won’t have a happy love story.
  • I can no longer be in a relationship that only brings pain.
  • Since we cannot change the situation, then we need to leave.
  • I understand perfectly well that the relationship will no longer be the same, and we need to leave.
  • Understand, I’m not doing this because I don’t love you, but because I know we’ll be better off apart.
  • You are never around. It can’t go on like this anymore.
  • I won’t forget you and I don’t want to say goodbye, but it’s better for everyone.
  • I had already decided to leave a long time ago, I just could not get used to this idea.
  • We must remain the people who once loved each other and maintain respect.
  • It feels like I’m a burden to you. Free yourself and don’t torture me.
  • I was always open, and you fenced off me. This time it’s all over.
  • I’ll be better off if we break up. Sorry.
  • Believe me, it is extremely painful for me to say goodbye, I was happy with you.
  • Everything was great, but I think that we are not made for each other.
  • I put an end to our relationship.
  • I’m sorry, but it’s over for me, I think it’s over for you too.
  • I can’t be with a man who thinks only of himself and doesn’t compromise.
  • I want to make your life easier, so I’m leaving.
  • We cannot remain friends, this is stupid, so goodbye.
  • I’m sorry, but single-handed play is not for me.
  • I am ending this drama and moving towards a new life.
  • It is possible to have a go at it.
  • I will look for your face in the crowd of passers-by for a very long time. Goodbye, dear.
  • Rejoice, now you are free as a bird in flight.
  • I have no choice but to break up with you.
  • Name of the station is the position of the rasstavaniya. Прощай.
  • Enough sadness and resentment, let’s not torment each other. Live happily.
  • Can’t forget you, it’s too hard for me. But I can handle.
  • I’m sorry it happened. But you are not the hero of my novel.

It will be great if you never need these phrases. No, in which case, you’re armed.

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