How to know when a relationship is ending?

Do I love him? What is happening to us? And where are we going? These are the questions we ask ourselves when we realize that something is wrong in a relationship. To the words that are wrong, to the words that are there. What does “outlived” mean? This is when “I do not like”?

“I don’t like” is a very clear understanding. So there shouldn’t be any questions. Then where do mental rushes come from? After all, the agony of choice makes you dig so deep into yourself that you run the risk of falling out of life, which means missing a lot of important things. Let’s deal with as much as in order.

How to know when a relationship is ending?

First, let’s define the wording. Relationships are a process, not a result. They can develop, change, pause, transform. Two people are involved in the process. It’s great if it’s customary for your couple to discuss what is happening frankly. Then it’s much easier to understand if your man’s feelings are gone.

But if it happens that you are left alone with your experiences, you will have to look for the answers yourself. Indulging in reasoning, forbid yourself to give answers for another person. Of course, you know your man like no one else. No you don’t live in his head!

Men are less emotional than women. Therefore, often their feelings are a mystery behind seven seals. In that situation, the lack of answers from “his” STORona is better than your guesses based on “I know for sure, I can see.”

In a situation where there are no comments from a man, it will be productive to rely only on his feelings and emotions. You are able to understand yourself, in another person, and even without his knowledge – no. So don’t waste your time and nerves. Determine how you feel in the relationship right now.

Now let’s discuss what it means “relationships have outlived their usefulness”? Outlived – this is when living (read – being) with this man becomes unbearable; it is not that it is written in the crises, not that it is necessary to give it to yourself.

Say it like this: “Do you want to know that it’s a girl?”. So you will get the first answer – have your feelings for him dried up? This understanding is the basis for further exploration of your feelings and thoughts.

Top 20 signs that a relationship is coming to an end

Advising is easy, doing is difficult. We often have difficulty making decisions such as “Should we keep the relationship?”. To give yourself an honest answer, deal with simpler questions first. Read the checklist of factors worth paying attention to and choose the appropriate wording.

  • You have different goals and values.

Time passes, goals and values ​​change. For example, at first you planned to be easy-going, free from everything and everyone. Proshlo neskolko let, and it ponyal, that goth to schasty motherhood. And your man categorically does not agree to take responsibility for the life of a little man.

  • PARTNERS is annoying.

Suddenly you began to notice that he was talking some nonsense, pouring water past the mug like an idiot or so ridiculously sloppy!

10 prices to go, that is what is left of other people

  • The partner is disgusted.

The very case when the joke about women’s whims “Could you please stop breathing” will become lush. You begin to react sharply to physiological manifestations that did not attract your attention before: chewing vilely, itching loudly, etc.

  • You have lost your identity.

By yourself, you can notice that you have adopted too many of his habits, words. You even laugh like him! You live by its interests and goals. You have merged with the man so much that you forgot: each of you exists and separately. How interesting is it to live with your duplicate?

  • You have mutual friends.

The point is that you / one of you has no “personal” friends left – only common ones. And the whole circle of communication perceives you as one. No way in Siamese twins! From this problem, it is possible to fill the disk space.

  • Other men are attracted.

Or you notice how your man too often began to see off the beauties in the crowd with a devouring look. Looking at other people while in a relationship is normal. You fell in love with each other, not blind. No way you want to stay there

  • Joint leisure causes negative EMOtsii.

Problems in other “vyrosli” nastolko, that it is impossible not to notice them. No, following a certain “social protocol”, you go shopping together, visiting, going to the gym. And I so wish that he was not around right now!

  • No attraction to your man.

I want intimacy, but not with the scary / foul-smelling steam, which six months ago was your prince on a white horse.

  • I do not want intimacy at all.

Or one person persistently avoids sex.

A total disregard for the opinions and interests of the partner is included.

Not of interest, as soon as the project is over.

  • Reluctance to discuss problems.

Why not discuss what you both notice? And this “something” prevents you from living?

  • Refusal to change what you don’t like.

We are talking about a disregard for the discomfort of another person, the absence of attempts to find a compromise.

The desire to offend, shut up a partner, or better – to disgrace and publicly ridicule.

  • Trying to change each other.

It makes as much sense as asking a cat to become a dog. A sudden desire to “blind” a partner for yourself is not entirely adequate.

  • “What if…”

Any disagreement / quarrel gives rise to reflections, and whether I should go on a solo voyage.

You too often began to remember old relationships or invent new ones, try on, it would have worked out with that nice guy from the sales department.

  • Refusing to bring positive emotions into the relationship.

You do not try to please each other even in household trifles.

Life has been on pause for too long. By that time, no step in the passport is not expected, it is not necessary. I do not want to change housing / car either. In addition, nothing happens in your “separate” lives either – neither in your career, nor in communication with other people. So stability turns into a swamp.

  • “Yes, who needs him!”

You consider your man unattractive, pitiful, one that no one will covet.

Weigh the dry matter

Don’t say “yes” and “no” in your every item. Symptoms of problems with other people and “umicidal” other people. The decisive factor – are you ready to fight for love? Plus, everything is INDIVIDUALNO.

For some couples, a bad sign is the complete absence of conflict. What is happening in the relationship has become so indifferent that I don’t want to enter into polemics. There may also be obsessive thoughts about planning a breakup: how to transport things, tell relatives, will there be enough money to rent a house, how soon will I start looking for a new love?

If you have come to the conclusion that this is a dead end, you should not save the relationship out of respect for the fact that you have been so long. Probably, it is better to leave in memory that kind and bright that connected you, and leave with gratitude, and not try to resurrect what has died.

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