What to do to forget your ex girlfriend?

What to do to forget your ex girlfriend? Loneliness and longing for the past have replaced happy relationships and the status of “there is a girlfriend”.

There can be a lot of reasons why a breakup occurred – relationships have not passed the test of time or distance, unspoken grievances and unresolved conflicts have accumulated in a couple, etc.

Or she just fell out of love. I realized that I would like to see a completely different man next to me.

You can revel in suffering for a very long time and feel sorry for yourself.

But it is better to take control of the situation.

What to do to forget your ex girlfriend?


We will not write about how you do not feel sad, do not worry and do not suffer.

Drink this cocktail of negative emotions to the dregs.

First, you have every right to do so.

Secondly, unlived mental suffering is very fond of affecting health in the future.

Give yourself a few days or weeks to suffer. During this period, you may self-flagellate, complain to friends, and feel sorry for yourself.

Further, we will spend resources more productively.

clear space

Out of sight, out of mind. Time will pass, and you will be able to calmly look at her photos on social networks. You will not feel anything but light sadness, accidentally stumbling upon memorabilia or joint photographs. Memories of her will cease to bring you pain. You will realize that you have no feelings for her. Just gratitude.

Now we will act differently.

You need to get rid of everything that reminds you of her.

Gifts and everything that belonged to the former passion – return (you can ask to transfer mutual friends) or throw it away.

Delete all photos, videos and correspondence.

From everywhere. So that with all your desire you could not get to them.

Delete her number and unfollow her on social media. It is not necessary to add her to the black list (only if she is negative, she persistently calls or writes angry messages). It’s enough just not to look at her pages on social networks, not to follow her updates.

You can also unsubscribe from your mutual acquaintances if you have nothing to do with them.

After mental cleaning, clean the apartment.

let go

Forgive her. And myself too.

It doesn’t matter how long the relationship lasted. This is a rewarding experience that no one can take away from you.

You will have memories. Like it or not, but you were quite close with her and managed to go through a lot. Thank her for all the happy moments she gave you.

For all the lessons that you learned during the relationship.

If you really want to talk, write her a letter. You will not send it to her, so write everything that you really think. Express all your feelings and emotions. And then tear (burn) it.

Do not try to forget about it, as if it did not exist. It’s impossible.

This is not required of you.

It is enough to change your attitude to the situation.

She can do just fine without you. And you will be happy without it.

Don’t check her social media pages. The films she goes to the cinema, the cafes she visits – this does not concern you anymore.

Remove songs that remind you of her.

You’ve already heard enough of them in a fit of self-flagellation, right?

Delete. Right now.

Focus of attention

Are you overwhelmed with negative energy and aggression? Point her in the right direction. Immerse yourself in work or play sports.

Negativity will go away, insults will be forgotten, and success at work and a beautiful body will remain with you.

Sample action plan:

  • Eliminate alcohol

Alcohol is a very powerful depressant. If he really helped people cope with psychological problems, psychologists and owners of pharmaceutical companies would have long been out of work.

  • Adjust your diet

You need the strength to move on. Therefore, you should reconsider your daily diet.

  • New Habits

You don’t have to start living the perfect life right away. Introduce new habits gradually. You can record your progress in special trackers (available on Google Play and AppStore). Getting up early, taking a cold shower, jogging, going to the pool or gym, reading books, etc. Start by mastering one habit. As soon as you notice the first successes, you will receive a powerful boost of motivation.

  • Sports for fun

It is not necessary to buy a subscription to the notorious “rocking chair”. Sign up for a pool, boxing, start jogging in the morning, take up shooting, etc.

Remember what sport you have always been interested in. Call a friend for company or go to class alone.

It is important to find exactly the type of physical activity that will energize you.

Communication with her

If you have the opportunity to completely cut off any contact with an ex-girlfriend, you are incredibly lucky.

But what about those guys who are forced to regularly see the one that brings so much pain?

Try to keep any contact to a minimum. Change jobs or places of study.

Have you long wanted to change the sphere, move to another city?

Consider it a sign from above. A new environment, a new environment, and a period of adaptation is the best way to forget about an ex-girlfriend.

The comfort zone has been left far behind, so the brain has to get out and hastily adapt. Love suffering fades into the background.

If this is not possible, limit communication. Say hello when you meet – that’s enough. No need to try to pretend that everything is fine. You both know it’s not.

Change your social circle and do not appear in a common company until the wounds heal.

If the girl herself was the initiator of the breakup, and now she is trying to restore communication, do not follow her lead.

Does she want to reconnect? Or is she just comfortable with you and flattered by your adoration?

You are no longer a couple. They don’t owe each other anything. And you don’t have to maintain a pathetic semblance of friendship either. Not wanting to communicate with your “ex” is your full right.

New goals

That’s why relationship gurus teach us to “don’t get lost in the person.” You give up your hobbies, stop communicating with friends, give up the unique chances that life gives you (study abroad, move, etc.), in the hope that the other half will appreciate it.

You can draw an analogy with a casino – you bet your whole life on a relationship with this person.

And if your bet has not played, you are left with nothing.

Set new goals for yourself. Big, inspiring and reckless. Find a cause that will burn you. A goal that will throw you out of bed in the morning.

What will happen in the end:

  • You will recover from the breakup and move on with your life;
  • By starting a new relationship, you will avoid past mistakes;
  • You will change yourself;
  • Your life will change 180 degrees.

movie night

  • “Social network”, 2010

How did Mark Zuckerberg’s ex-girlfriend react when he became the world’s youngest billionaire?

It is not known for certain.

Surely, she was surprised – after all, parting with him, she dubbed him a loser.

The film is based on the biography of the “loser” and tells us the story of his life and the amazing success of his brainchild – Facebook.

  • “500 Days of Summer”, 2009


“This is not a love story, this is a love story.”

Tom experienced the whole gamut of feelings and emotions. From all-encompassing happiness to all-consuming depression.

Spoiler: life goes on.

Rob is a master at breaking up with girls. Another lady leaves him.

The guy decides that it’s time to figure out the reasons for his failures with the opposite sex.

This is a film about men, made for them.

  • “Vacation on exchange”, 2006

This is a film about love and parting. A bright feeling in all its manifestations, betrayal and betrayal.

Despite the fact that the main characters suffer and their hearts break, the film leaves behind a very pleasant aftertaste.

This is one of those pictures after which you understand that life is beautiful.

And love comes when you no longer expect it.


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