Which zodiac sign are you in January?

Which zodiac sign are you in January? The two zodiac signs that fall in January are Capricorn and Aquarius. Discover which zodiac sign you are if you are born or have your birthday in January, the horoscope, the most important facts, characteristics, and personality traits of these zodiac signs of astrology.


Zodiac sign Capricorn: December 22 – January 19

Date: December 22 to January 19
Element: Earth
Quality: cardinal
Symbol: Mixture of goat and fish
Planet: Saturn
Important personality traits: workaholic, sensitive, disciplined, materialistic, realistic
Strengthen: focused, motivated, protective, responsible, patient, ambitious
Weaknesses: stubborn, arrogant, unforgiving, reserved, aloof
Best Love Compatibility: bull

The men and women born under the Capricorn zodiac sign are determined to reach the top in all their endeavors. Their dedication is contagious and they would work hard to achieve any of their goals with all their might. You don’t live in a world of fantasy, with squishy dreams. You believe in results. Being the master of chores, they might become resentful towards those who don’t show signs of focus and determination to complete their chores.

Capricorns like to be at the top of their game. They are driven, do their research well, look for all the details and finish whatever they start. Loyal and extremely humble, they don’t like to brag about their accomplishments in order to gain validation from anyone and everyone. Logically, they are good problem solvers who rarely crumble under pressure. Capricorn people have big hearts. You have a pragmatic attitude and behavior, 24/7. If they are betrayed, they will not sweep the issue under the rug. So if they choose to cut you out of their life, they will never look back.

Which zodiac sign are you in January?

Zodiac sign Aquarius: January 20 – February 18

Date: January 20th to February 18th
Element: air
Quality: fix
Symbol: water carrier
Planet: Uranus
Important personality traits: Humanistic, visionary, unpredictable, rebellious
Strengthen: Open, Compassionate, Leading, Straightforward, Honest
Weaknesses: Cold, distant, stubborn, impatient
Best Love Compatibility: Twins

As the zodiac symbol indicates, Aquarius is represented by the water bearer who blesses the earth with his mystical powers. It is the most compassionate sign of the zodiac, committed to the well-being of all. People born in January under the Aquarius zodiac sign are generous people who want to make an impact on this planet. They devote much of their time and energy to improving this world. They are born with an originality of thought and an intelligence that makes them brilliant thinkers and problem solvers. However, they can sometimes become very obsessed with what they want, making them rigid and inflexible about the way they want to achieve their goal, especially when they have an idea in mind.

Men and women of the Aquarius zodiac sign also like to flirt if they like someone. Aquarians (air signs) like to communicate their ideas and thoughts. As such, they tend to have an active social life and many friends. With a fixed quality, this zodiac sign can be very adamant about what he or she believes, but that doesn’t mean an Aquarius doesn’t accept opposing viewpoints to their own. It is difficult to influence an Aquarius when logic does not support these beliefs. Which zodiac sign are you in January?

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