Words of Wisdom for People Who Abuse Us Complete


No matter how good we are, there will definitely be people who don’t like it because that’s how life is always black and white. We will not be able to control people’s perception of us, but we can control ourselves not to overreact more about how people judge us through wise words for those who wronged us. Unjust people are sometimes just jealous of what other people have. So, he will spread negative news to make people hate us.

wise words for people who wrong us in return for people who hate us

These things certainly often make a person disappointed, hurt and sad. In fact, it’s hard to react to the bad things that other people do to us. So what can we do? We don’t need to repay him with the same thing. However, we can try to awaken them through wise words for those who wronged us. Well, here are some collections of wise words as follows:
reply to oppress others:

Words of Wisdom For People Who Hate Us

Satire words for the wrongdoers

Words of Wisdom Forgiving People Who Hurt Us

Words of Wisdom For People Who Hate Us

wise words for people who hate and oppress us

1. It is better to be humbled by the truth than to be proud of a lie.

2. Forgive, sometimes not because we are too good but because the heart can no longer be filled with hatred. Life is too short to be filled with hatred and prejudice for our fellow human beings.

3. “Don’t explain yourself to anyone, because those who like you don’t need it. And those who hate you don’t believe it.” Ali bin Abi Talib.

4. Never learn to forget. Try to replace it with forgiveness; the bonus usually just forgets without planning.

5. “Forgiving people who have wronged and hurt us is to help ourselves so that we can escape from anger, disappointment, hatred and revenge.” – Muhammad Agus Syafii

6. “When we forgive others, we actually allow our wounds to heal faster.” – Daudantonius

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7. Forgiveness is the key to breaking the chain of hatred.

8. You forgive someone not because you are weak, but because you are strong enough to know that no one is perfect, they can do wrong.

9. “To get what you want, you have to be patient with what you hate.” – Imam Ghazali.

10. “Live like a tree full of fruit; live by the roadside and are stoned by people, but are rewarded with fruit.” -Abu Bakr Sibli.

Satire words for the wrongdoers

satire for people who are wrong to us

11. It’s not a matter of right or wrong. The problem is that you are the most self-righteous.

12. Friends and enemies sometimes there is no difference, there are times when he supports you but there are also times when he stabs you in the back”.

13. Be careful with those who never match between words and actions.

14. If ignorance is bliss. You must be the happiest person on the planet.

15. Be a small person who thinks big. Don’t be a big person who always thinks small and narrow.

16. You sound better with your mouth closed.

17. I’d rather have no friends than I have friends, but they secretly hate me.

18. If karma doesn’t hit you, I’ll gladly do it.

19. It’s okay to be a bad person because being a good person continues to be taken advantage of by your own friends.

20. I think I need glasses. Everywhere I looked, people always seemed to have two faces.

Words of Wisdom Forgiving People Who Hurt Us

wise words for people who wrong us and forgive them

21. When someone has deliberately betrayed us in the past. When he came back to apologize. So there is no reason for us not to forgive him.

22. The best way to punish those who have wronged us is to be kind to them.

23. Never learn to forget. Try to replace it with forgiveness; the bonus usually just forgets without planning.

24. Be grateful if someone gives you wounds and tears, because from them we learn the meaning of sincerity in forgiving and forgetting.

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Words of Wisdom About Patience in Facing Life’s Problems

Javanese Words of Wisdom About Patience and Sincerity

25. Forgiveness won’t change the PAST, but it will definitely make the FUTURE easier.

26. Forgiveness is the best form of love. It requires a strong person to say sorry and an even stronger person to forgive.

27. Actually forgiveness is a behavior to free yourself from bad feelings and thoughts.

28. Forgiveness is a process of building strength. Forgive those who have hurt you, be a strong and loving personality.

Wise words for people who wrong us are very suitable for you to make a reply to those who hate. There is no need to come reply with the same thing as them. Just pray and make them aware to be wiser and mature in their attitude. This way, your life will be calmer and less easily influenced by other people’s opinions.

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