What are personality types and what are they?

What are personality types? Classical division according to Jung and others. When do the given psychotypes of personality help and when do they interfere?

Tests to determine your type traditionally occupy the first lines of views. Women identify themselves with the names of Greek goddesses, men try to recognize themselves as a commander or a private, altogether define their personality types and share the results on social networks. What does knowledge of one’s own and someone else’s psychological type give? How accurate is this division considered? And what is important – exactly to get into the psychotype or to work on your personality? Thinking about the imposed patterns of “typing” and the inner voice.

What are personality types and what are they?
What are personality types and what are they?

What are personality types?

Psychotypes of personality are general “sorting” groups that unite people according to the totality of character traits and personality traits. The variety of psychological schools gives no fewer number of classifications of psychological types. But even within each of the classifications, there are no clear boundaries between the groups, they smoothly flow into each other, mix, overgrow with individual features.

But knowledge of the psychotype is far from everything. Each person is a unity of the general and the individual. Psychotype is a kind of roulette made from the genes of mom, dad, and all relatives. This is the same psychological “skeleton” that is almost impossible to fix, but you can build up the “muscles” of habits, attachments, inclinations – everything that determines individuality. But the personal characteristics will be found out later. It is much easier to start from typological features and it is with them to start communication or joint work.

Psychological typology was developed in order to predict human behavior based on external signs, determine his type of thinking, identify potential strengths or weaknesses, choose the necessary line of behavior, possible manipulation techniques. Astrologers made the first attempts to “sort” people according to the psychological characteristics of their personality. Later, psychiatrists took up typology, who needed to predict the behavior of patients with psychopathology and prescribe treatment.

In the 1970s, the Lithuanian sociologist A. Augustinavichute developed socionics – the doctrine that people think, interact, and act in accordance with their psychotype. Initially, socionics considered only psychological compatibility in the family. Later, the teaching became a kind of guide to action for personnel officers, teachers, marketers, coaches, marriage agencies – representatives of professions who have to work with a large stream of strangers.

The word “socionics” comes from “societas” – “society”. Socionics is based on the teachings of the Swiss psychiatrist C. Jung “Psychological types”.

Psychotypes according to Jung.

Jung divided personality psychotypes on the basis of two general concepts: introversion or extraversion, as well as the basic preferences of each personality type:

  • Condition 1. Where does a person get energy from? An introvert is a person whose attention is directed inward, he receives energy from within. The extrovert’s interest is directed outside, he receives energy from the environment.
  • Condition 2. How a person accumulates knowledge. Methodically and scrupulously, based on facts, the sensory-sensory psychotype collects information. Intuits act mostly irrationally, based on the situation.
  • Condition 3. How a person makes decisions. The thought-logical type acts after objective analysis of the data. The emotional-feeling type makes decisions on emotions, without too much thought.
  • Condition 4. Refers to lifestyle. The rational type systematically implements the planned scenario. The perceiving type is often unpredictable, direct, flexible.

Based on the listed conditions, Jung identified 8 psychotypes:

1. Extraverted thought type (EMT).

Individuals of this type cannot imagine life without facts, arguments, logical conclusions, and inferences. They almost always take the initial data for their reflections from objective reality, that is, the external world – people, objects, phenomena, etc. Among them, there are a lot of reformers, propagandists of everything new and better. But, fixated on one idea, they sometimes show grumpiness, boring, biased criticism. That is why for their development it is important to try to consider everything from different points of view, to train the flexibility of perception.

EMT often tries to derive some kind of universal formula for behavior, reaction, understanding, etc. Moreover, if the adopted scheme in some situations turns out to be ineffective, it tries to change the objective reality. For example :

  • The person decided that it would be best to respond to type A situations with Method B (“If they shout at me, I’ll just compliment and the person will calm down”).
  • However, in one of the situations of type A, method B turned out to be useless or did not bring satisfactory results (“I complimented, but they continued to yell at me anyway”).
  • It is difficult for a person or it seems impossible to give up adherence to his idea, and he tries to find or change in the external world something that could at least indirectly defend this idea (“My conclusion is logical, then it is correct”).
  • Most often, a person resorts to outdated data, distorted facts, falsification of obvious data, trying to change objective reality (“The person continued to shout at me, but in fact, he is no longer angry, but only pretends to be evil”).

Such people live with the motto “the end justifies the means”, they are very persistent in achieving what they want, but sometimes they forget about moral attitudes, their own needs, and the needs of their loved ones. This is not to say that people of this type are cruel, they are just so carried away by their thoughts that they stop noticing everything around them. Empathy is poorly developed. They tend to suppress their feelings, and others – to diminish in importance.

EMT can be an excellent organizer, it can be easily trusted to implement long-term plans. But he should learn to avoid generalizing and ignoring individual factors.

This type is rarely interested in art, aesthetics, and if he resorts to them, he tries to find logic there, to understand them with his mind, and not to feel them. He erects strict rules, does not accept deviations from them or exceptions. He is categorical, considers everyone who denies his conclusions stupid, because not recognizing something logical is unreasonable. As a result, among such people there are often those who like to argue, to prove reasonably (and not blindly impose) their innocence. Resentment is another trait that is often found in these individuals.

2. Extraverted feeling type (ET).

Thinking in such extroverts is suppressed, because it can interfere with feelings. The voice of reason for them plays almost no role, but it can cause doubts, so they try to throw it into the background. If a thought becomes a real obstacle to feeling, it is blindly ignored, rejected, invalidated.

And here a paradox arises. Because the greatest number of doubts or bad thoughts in ETT appears precisely in relation to those objects (people, objects, occupations, etc.) to which it is most attached and which highly values.

This type thinks in terms of “pleasant-unpleasant”, “good-bad”. He “reads” alien, but global values ​​- humanity, people, city population, or at least his family. ETT transfers them to itself, accepting all this as its own beliefs. For example :

  • If it is customary in his community to value wealth highly, the person will fall in love with rich people.
  • If the assessment is tilted towards morality, then the personality itself will try to become moral, will begin to look for people who meet this criterion.
  • If in the locality art traditionally stands above all else, the ET will go to exhibitions, theaters, galleries, and experience only positive emotions about the environment.
  • If the family clan considers a stranger to be kind (or if this stranger simply communicates with other “good people”), the feeling type will also perceive him that way, without even really knowing him.

The same thing happens in the opposite direction: if the society discusses something, this type will also resist any manifestations of such “negativity”, condemn him and anyone who supports him. Due to the appropriation of external traditions, the feelings of ETT sometimes seem insincere, feigned, exaggerated. But the personality itself will feel them as their own, adhere to the model of behavior inherent in them, so there is, in fact, no acting here.

The advantages of this type include his ability to grasp the values ​​and goals of others, even if they are not immediately recognizable. EFT, in addition, immediately determines the social significance of other people, can skillfully create working or personal groups/pairs. That is, they should be contacted when you need to find professionals for a close-knit and highly effective team or just a candidate for a date/friendship. They are born pimps.

If we talk about the minuses, then they include the same limited thinking, or rather the tendency to suppress it, and not to seek the essence of things and phenomena. They lack depth and structure in their thinking, which is why they often lose sight of the factors that negatively affect their lives.

3. Extraverted sensing type (EOT).

EOT lives here and now, relishes every moment, he is a realist. For him, sensual pleasures are of tremendous importance. Often there are real gourmets, aesthetes, connoisseurs of beauty, objective critics, hedonists among such people. The stronger the real feeling they get from another person or object, the more value they assign to these objects.

Such extroverts are in no hurry to easily take things for granted. Until they see, feel, hear, or somehow actually notice the object, they do not recognize its existence. Obviously, these people are full of atheists and adequate cynics. They evaluate the outside world in terms of parallels:

  • cold hot
  • tasty, tasteless,
  • bright dim
  • rough-smooth,
  • loud quiet,
  • aromatic, non-aromatic, etc.

As a rule, EOT is not “sprayed” on many tasks at the same time. He knows what he wants and is chasing very specific pleasures. Comfort is important for him, but he does not sacrifice innovations either if they “saturate” his senses well.

In communication, this extrovert often rushes from the state of “cheerful drinking companion” to “artsy esthete.” It is not uncommon that he – both that, and another, simply shows some side more, based on the objective environment. For example, in an art gallery, an opera, at a literary evening, he becomes an intellectual, drinks fine wines, indulges himself with expensive cheeses, puts on the best that modern fashion has to offer. But, having entered a cheap bar with friends, he quickly turns into a simple merry fellow, who always has a couple of jokes in store for all occasions.

However, over-focusing on sensations makes the sensing type an unpleasant interlocutor. If his need for a physical outlook is overestimated, he shows increased egoism, uses people and objects only for his own pleasure, devaluing them. His methods of obtaining something become more rude, shameless, in extreme cases even immoral.

EOT does not tolerate ambiguity and uncertainty. But the specifics, clarity, objectivity are vitally important for him.

Its main advantage is the ability to quickly and accurately capture details in everything that surrounds it. If he chooses a profession with an emphasis on materialism (working with his hands, using any receptors), then he succeeds in it as a specialist and enjoys it to the fullest.

The downside is the risk of delving too deeply into the hedonistic lifestyle. In this case, EOT lives only for the sake of physical sensations, does not seek to develop, ceases to monitor its mental and physical health. He also forgets about his loved ones and remembers them only when he needs to receive sensual pleasure from them. After which they disappear for him again.

4. Extraverted intuitive type (EIT).

EIT is a creative seeker of everything new, unusual, and simply that which goes unnoticed by others. He is not guided by generally accepted values, but, on the contrary, moves away from the obvious. Initiator, the protector of minorities, living for the future. From a distance, he “senses” opportunities, prospects, and he himself is not able to explain how he finds them. If you ask him why he took an idea on faith, he will not be able to accurately and clearly answer.

He does not tend to operate with facts or come to concrete conclusions through logic and reflection. His guesses are not motivated by strong feelings or personal assessment. And they are not connected with anything tangible at all. On the contrary, his imagination focuses not on the sensations that the object gives, but on its development in perspective. He is a creator. You can often hear phrases from him like:

  • “This man can become a great diplomat, although no one believes in him.”
  • “The new technology is not at all useless, as they say, it. The future is behind it. “
  • “The upcoming event, despite its modesty, can significantly reduce the level of corruption in our city.”

EIT will faithfully serve its idea, he will ignite it himself and infect everyone around. He is a great motivator who can instill faith and hope in those around him. He gets carried away quickly and easily, but in the same way, he switches to new opportunities, changes his opinion, interests, which is why it is often contradictory. More often, such jumps occur due to the following reasons:

  • the object has realized itself, has reached the ceiling in development (according to EIT);
  • the prospects turned out to be unreasonable or impossible for implementation;
  • an even more exciting opportunity loomed on the horizon with another object.

For example, an extrovert believes that the construction of a playground is simply necessary for his city. He always shares his beliefs, incites others to build. And then he abruptly abandons this idea and switches to something else. Because of:

  • the site was nevertheless built, and the prospect has exhausted itself;
  • the city government has banned this event, and there is no way to get around the ban;
  • it became possible to build a whole entertainment complex, and a simple site is no longer interesting.

People around see in this type a bit of a frivolous adventurer. But he does not pay much attention to this, continuing his endless search for new opportunities. Morality or personal comfort is of little importance to him. Among such people, adherents of mysticism and esotericism are quite common.

Thanks to its ability to easily find opportunities, EIT feels great and succeeds in business, production, politics, sales. He is amazingly quick at making contacts and using social opportunities.

The main risk is exhaustion against the background of uninterrupted searches, constant movement, and at the same time ignoring one’s limits and health. In addition, due to inconsistency, EIT drops everything at the peak of development and loses results. As a result, other people get their laurels.

5. Introverted Thinking Type (BMI).

BMI thinks logically, but his thoughts are hardly connected with the real outside world. First, he has the idea itself, and then he already seeks confirmation of it in the objects around him. That is, he puts facts into his formula, rather than creating a formula as a result of studying the facts. Moreover, if there is no evidence of his innocence, he calmly ignores it.

Convincing BMI that contradicts his own point of view is another task. This is often not possible. He is firm in his convictions and will change them only if he himself comes to this. The more he is discouraged from some idea, the more he is devoted to it. In principle, he has no reason to share his thoughts, he is in no hurry to open them to the world or look for support in it.

He is a great theoretician, not a doer; he does not try to learn everything at once. He is much more interested in the depth of this knowledge. That is why this type, as a rule, does not have many hobbies, but the already existing ones have been mastered thoroughly. Such an introvert is a very paradoxical person:

  • has deep knowledge in specific areas, but turns out to be a bad teacher, does not know how to communicate information in an accessible and versatile way, which he perfectly understands;
  • in the eyes of those around him, he is imperious, unapproachable, haughty, cold, sometimes embittered, but the closer people get to him, the more they are imbued with warmth, see him naive, “lost”, begin to value his closeness;
  • in case of a mismatch of ideas – his own and those of the public – he shields himself from the opinions of others so that he sometimes ignores the most obvious and indisputable arguments. Even constructive criticism may not be accepted if it goes against his subjective beliefs;
  • can admit the most daring, daring, dangerous thoughts, but when it comes to expressing or actively implementing even the most harmless ideas, he is shy and gives up.

Inclined to comprehend everything that happens to him. He even tries to understand emotions and feelings with his brain, and since he is not very good at it, all experiences are simply suppressed or abstracted from them. When communicating, he tries to be polite, amiable, but does so with caution, since his external hospitality is caused by a subconscious desire to “disarm” the interlocutor.

BMI is very secretive, stubborn, does not lend itself to outside influence when achieving its goals. Constantly experiencing doubts, erecting restrictions, cautious. In this regard, he isolates himself, retires. It is difficult for him to express himself so that everyone grasps the essence of his words, which is why he sometimes considers himself unheard, lonely, and others – stupid. But if this type still finds someone who understands him, then he begins to overestimate, idealize this person.

The main advantages are the depth of knowledge, the ability to get to the bottom of the essence, thoroughness. Cons – poorly developed social skills, inability to understand people.

6. Introverted feeling type (ICT).

As paradoxical as it may sound, the ICT gives the impression of a cold, indifferent person, detached from the world in his feelings. People around him consider him indifferent in almost everything, calm, unperturbed. He really looks taciturn, hard to reach, incomprehensible. But this is only the outer shell. As this type is cold on the outside, he is just as passionate on the inside. His feelings are deep, intense, strong. But they really matter more to the ICT than the emotions of other people or the need to show inner experiences.

Jung believed that women among the representatives of this type are much more than men. Their subjective values ​​are so important to them that they sometimes tend to exaggerate them, make them more intense, or even invent and inspire themselves. With what they successfully cope. Among them are often melancholic in the full sense of the word. In a relationship, they prefer:

  • adhere to safety, calmness, the golden mean in everything, do not resort to extremes, risk;
  • fenced off from passion, vivid manifestations of feelings, impulses. Outwardly, they themselves cannot be passionate, but if a partner turns out to be such, then they close themselves off from him, move away;
  • do not dominate people, but unconsciously still sometimes do it. In this case, their influence takes on the form of a suffocating, constraining one. Their loved ones begin to feel that they have been placed within the framework of a non-existent ideal and any deviation from it will make the ICT ignore or completely renounce their relatives;
  • constantly look for flaws, deviations from the “norm” in the relationship. Therefore, they often doubt, experience groundless suspicions, jealousy. In more rare cases, they are paranoid.

An introvert of this type is very protective of his feelings and tries to protect them from any interference. If someone from those around them expresses their impulses, emotions into all-vision, ICT will try to show neutrality at first. Perhaps with a dash of light criticism, teaching, or superiority. But the stronger and more assertive the emotional reaction of the interlocutor, the more chances that the introvert will sharply and coldly suppress such behavior.

They are always in search of “ideal”, sublime, reference feelings, and they simply do not exchange for less. They definitely need everything to be like in classic novels and melodramas – purely, spiritually, platonically, of course. Exemplary experiences they often associate with a kind of spirituality, religiosity, or poetry.

To become a better version of yourself ICHT desirable treated with b about lshim inner dispassion (external enough) to cases and not be afraid to take control in their own hands, to take the initiative.

7. Introverted sensing type (IOT).

IOT lives for the sake of sensual pleasures, while devaluing the importance of the object that gave impetus to the emergence of these sensations. His main focus is on the intensity of his pleasure. At the moment when he experiences it and realizes all his power, everything else is lost for him from sight or even ceases to exist. That is why from the outside such people look calm, inert (passive), sometimes slow, and lazy. It is difficult to unsettle them or “wake up” them, to tear them away from the analysis of their own feelings.

They find individuality in everything. The same food eaten on different days will show them special, different. The same melody sounds different to them every time. Kisses with the same person have different notes. They see everything in their own way, focusing on subjective views, sensations. People of other types very rarely understand their vision and where it comes from, there is so much personal, individual in it.

All this makes IOT a great inventor, creator, adherent of non-standard creativity, the engine of art and culture itself. If such an introvert decides to immerse himself in art, acting, choreography, writing, music, then he lives according to the principle “I am an artist – I see it this way.” He definitely finds fans, but he is in no hurry to get close to them. It can be hard with him, because many find him selfish, eccentric, indifferent to real problems and people. This is the very “creative person” with whom it is very difficult to get along. A few more facts about him:

  • treats reality as something banal. She only gives him an impetus, but all his internal mental processes develop in the future without her participation;
  • often he does not understand himself, he does not particularly strive to explain himself either to himself, much less to those around him;
  • lives with sensations that arise here and now, everything else completely drops out of his vision. In the absence of a noticeable personal sensation, he has the feeling that he does not exist at all;
  • gets depressed or procrastinated if not experiencing subjective sensations for a long time;
  • if not involved in creativity, it makes a bias towards philosophy, but without breaking away from the same sensations, that is, complete abstractness cannot be attributed to it.

The advantages of IOT include its focus on the originality of sensations, the ability to highlight uniqueness in them, subtle details, and feel them subtly. The main disadvantage is the devaluation of the outside world, ignoring its real prospects. Because of this, such an introvert often finds himself in a losing position, loses good opportunities, and people around him, “get stuck” in himself.

8. Introverted intuitive type (IIT).

Scientists, artists, geniuses of the imagination, and at the same time the most difficult people to understand, even for those closest to them. They can develop to a huge scale an idea that would never have entered other heads. Among them, there are often mystics, esotericists, prophets, great intuitions, connoisseurs of everything paranormal and inexplicable. They think not within the framework of physical reality, but as if behind it, the flight of their fantasy is not limited by anything.

Of course, they take existing objects as a starting point, but then their views and thoughts quickly become completely subjective. The output is an image in which the connection with the real object of inspiration is almost imperceptible to outsiders. They think over everything that has no physical analogs in the world. At the same time, their language becomes irrational, and they cannot accurately explain to others their understanding of the world.

They operate not with facts, values, sensations, but with images and associations arising from them. However, on a subconscious level, they come to some ideas through the learned experience, and not always their own. This could be experience gained from:

  • reading fiction and fantastic literature,
  • familiarization with myths, legends,
  • mastering religious books and sacred texts,
  • watching films on a similar subject,
  • study of art objects dedicated to the above, etc.

In the eyes of others, such an introvert constantly rushes about in the range of definitions “sage-fool” or “genius-crazy”. He is partly both. Performs the function of a contemplator and immediately sees opportunities, but not for active action or just external development, but for aesthetic, less often spiritual growth. To maintain his belief in a particular concept, he does not need someone else’s approval. More often the opposite is true – the less he is accepted, the more he is strengthened in his belief.

IIT is a kind of ascetic. Comfort, sensual pleasures, physical benefits do not play a decisive role for him. He often ignores them, sacrificing everything for the development of his idea. He could hardly become a good teacher due to his illogicality and weak argumentation of explanations, but the educator and mentor from him turn out to be excellent.

Thanks to his pluses, he could become an excellent preacher of morals and aesthetics. He does not try to impose his own views on others, but simply informs, “broadcasts”. To become an artistic spokesman or initiator of new trends in his era is also a task within his power. His biggest problem is isolation from his own feelings, poor adaptation to real conditions. Because of this, he gets lost in quite ordinary everyday conditions and sacrifices his health and well-being too much for the sake of, as it seems to him, great ideas.

Later, based on Jung’s typology in the west, the Myers-Briggs classification was proposed. And that was the beginning. Modern psychology and psychiatry know a lot of different typologies that use their approaches, trying to apply them in practice.

What are personality types and what are they?
What are personality types and what are they?

What other typologies of psychotypes exist?

It is impossible to know or use all typologies at the same time. And it is not necessary. Personnel questionnaires for a personnel officer are absolutely useless for business negotiations. Each specialist has his own methods that he uses in his work:

  • Types of temperament according to Hippocrates (or the specificity of nervous activity according to Pavlov): sanguine, choleric, melancholic, phlegmatic.
  • Love typology: eros (sensuality), ludus (playfulness), mania (obsession), pragma (practicality), agape (sacrifice), storge (friendliness).
  • Gannushkin’s typology of psychopathic characters: paranoid, schizoid, hysteroid (and others).
  • Accentuation according to Leonhard: demonstrative, paranoid, excitable, pedantic, schizoid, hyperthymic type.
  • Separation by type of perception: kinesthetics, visuals, audios, discrete.
  • Enneagram of personality: perfectionist, peacemaker, thinker, enthusiast (and others).
  • System-vector typology: sound, visual, cutaneous, olfactory, oral (and other) vectors.

All scientific, pseudoscientific, and unscientific classifications are united by one thing: their relativity and limitations. Attempts to resort to rigid typing of people are considered incorrect, because they deprive the main thing – freedom of choice. After all, it is enough to stamp a person with the word “hysterical” or “psycho” in order to expect from him stereotyped behavior, thinking, hobbies, and even diseases. Sometimes this provokes conflict. Sometimes a person really stops looking for himself and begins to live according to a template.

How do you learn to listen to yourself?

What are personality types? If you listen to yourself, you can hear your inner monologue. And not always our opinion of ourselves is really ours. “ I am so absent-minded,” the person thinks only because the teacher said so. Or “ I don’t know how to get along with people, so I cannot achieve something big, ” says the one to whom my mother repeated these words in childhood. All these are conscious or unconscious attempts of other people to squeeze us into the framework invented by someone.

When we do not hear our inner voice, but live in other people’s beliefs, ideas of happiness, or failure, this leads to inner conflict. It will take painstaking internal work to distinguish between your own and others’ attitudes. This effort will pay off. Because everything that we say to ourselves gives or takes away energy. Once we learn to listen to our inner voice, we can change our inner dialogue and build the kind of life we ​​want.

So, the steps that will help you get closer to your “I”:

Step 1. Listen to your body.

Our body is a delicate instrument that can tell us much more than expected. The slightest tension in the neck, pain in the temple or in the abdomen is the result of a muted feeling or an unresolved problem. We are used to paying attention to pain only when it becomes unbearable. We often eat minor symptoms with pills or ignore them.

To recognize the signals of your body, you need to recognize your feelings – accept, experience them, and not extinguish them. Recognizing your right to fear, insecurity, discontent, sadness – then it will be easier to learn to feel the signals of the body.

Practice 1. Relax before bed. To do this, you need to lie on your back, straighten your arms and legs. Walk mentally over every part of the body, every organ from the little toes to the crown of the head. Walk separately on the left and right leg (arm), each finger, each vertebra. This technique not only helps to release muscle clamps but replaces the “ram count” for those who find it difficult to fall asleep.

Practice 2. Stay with your finger (eye, stomach). To do this, you need to sit comfortably and imagine the organ that is troubling – for example, the knee of the right leg. Then mentally move to the knee, speak on his behalf. Tell why it hurts (perhaps you have to carry a lot of weight), what it warns about (does not want to go to an unloved job), what attention it needs. The technique helps to learn something interesting about yourself, to gain new experience.

But it must be remembered that bodily practices are not a substitute for going to the doctor. If something really bothers you, it is better to get tested and only then talk with your inner voice.

Step 2. Listen to your laziness.

The laziness that we are accustomed to condemning and overcoming is actually an indicator of our energy. For example, athletes have a rule: if pre-workout camps are difficult, it means that you are doing something wrong: you have chosen the wrong load, exercises, working weights. In life, everything is not so indicative, but the same mechanism works: laziness arises not due to a lack of strength, but due to a lack of meaning. No one will be lazy if the activity arouses sincere interest, brings you closer to a feeling of harmony with oneself. As soon as we get involved in an exciting business, our eyes burn, fatigue evaporates, energy is taken from nowhere.

Sometimes laziness actually signals excessive tiredness. Fighting it means driving yourself into even more stress. Therefore, if laziness was not a lifelong quality, it is better to receive a distress call and have a good rest.

Step 3. Listen to your inner critic.

First, you should listen not to his words, but to intonation, timbre – who does he remind you of? This is usually the Parent’s edifying tone that makes you feel helpless. If a critic uses the words “must”, “must”, “must” – he accurately speaks in the voice of a mother, teacher, boss. This is not our inner “I”, but the attitudes of people to which we are used to obeying.

Sometimes the critic literally takes root in our personality. He methodically repeats negative attitudes that prevent us from growing:

  • I can’t do it.
  • I don’t have enough talent (knowledge, acquaintances).
  • I don’t know what to do if something goes wrong.
  • I will not be able to do this.
  • I’m useless.

Such an inner voice kills energy and provokes the same laziness. But if you replace it, you can become more energetic. For example, change the dialog:

  • ” It’s difficult ” to replace ” How can I simplify the situation?”
  • “I can’t do this” to “I can’t do this now, but I can learn.”
  • “I am that kind of person” to “I can change and start acting right now.”

The main thing is not to be afraid to change the ossified attitudes to the most reckless and insane. After all, our brain listens to what it is told. And if you repeat it for a long time, he still begins to believe.

What are personality types and what are they? Yes, personality psychotypes significantly facilitate the perception of oneself and others, create a sense of one’s own insight, and simplify communication with strangers – it is enough to find out their type and it will become clear how to communicate with them. But they are also trying to “rake in one size fits all” – they kill the desire to know oneself. What to find out if everything is already clear? Typology and tests are fun, but don’t take it personally. Because the biggest trouble that can happen to a person is to lose himself and become “like everyone else.” www.lovepsychologys.com

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