What to do if feelings in a relationship fade away, and why?

What to do if feelings in a relationship fade away, and why? Molière wrote: “Of all eternal things, love is the one that lasts the least.” Unfortunately, this is not just a beautiful statement. In psychology, the process of fading love has been studied and scientifically confirmed. Are you aware of the fact that it isn’t worth it? This is not entirely true, there are ways to prolong and maintain passion in a relationship.

Is it worth it?

Burnout means a crisis and cooling in the relationship between partners. Such situations affect many couples. So we are told that the monotonous sound and the interests of the partner.

The first sign of burnout in a relationship is emotional coldness. Partners don’t try to drive the drugs. At a certain stage of the relationship, a routine appears. Relationship burnout leads to exhaustion, frustration, criticism, and a feeling of constant dissatisfaction.

3 components of love

Love has three components: passion, intimacy and commitment. Passion is strongest at the very beginning of a relationship, in the so-called infatuation phase. This means that the desire for touch and physical contact is very strong.

Unfortunately, over time, this passion decreases, but then the intimacy increases. Being in close relationships means being authentic, honest, and truthful with each other, showing your true feelings and true behavior.

Commitment to one’s partner and commitment to a relationship is strongest in the beginning but then remains strong. That is why relationships in which the moral component is strong go through all crises.

5 stages of love

At the moment of falling in love, no one sees the shortcomings of a loved one, everyone takes care of their partner. And, of course, everyone firmly believes that this only relationship will withstand all storms and upheavals.

  • First stage: butterflies in the stomach

Love appears suddenly, it can flare up in you for a person whom you see for the first time down. It is from passion that love is born. When you are in love, you begin to feel a thrill, a pleasant excitement, and you constantly think about your loved one. So you understand: “I fell in love …”.

  • Second stage: there is passion, but not so strong

At the beginning of love, passion quickly reaches a high intensity. However, it is obvious that it cannot grow indefinitely. It’s like with fire – the stronger it is, the faster it burns. And that is inevitable, the passion is very strong at the beginning and then subsides.

Where does love go and how to return it?

People who identify “true love” with passion go through a major crisis, discovering that their steel is eating them. This is often the reason for the breakup of relationships and the search for a new partner with whom you can again experience being strong. This vicious cycle can be repeated many times.

  • Third stage: a feeling of intimacy is born

As long as it’s hot, the street is post-eating. People get to know each other, begin to trust each other, and share their deep, personal experiences. And when next to you is a person who understands you, you feel comfortable with him, trust him, and he supports you, then life’s difficulties seem less difficult.

  • Fourth stage: happiness for two

It is a closeness that brings the greatest happiness. In addition, intimacy depends on the conscious efforts of each of the partners – whether each decides to open up, trust, show their true colors, and whether you are ready to listen, understand and respect each other.

If both parties are committed to this, respect the differences that exist between them, and know how to respond to openness, the relationship enters a beautiful, happy phase that usually lasts longer than the first. And then the transformation begins: commitment appears – partners are investing more and more venyuyut.

Commitments are like ballast on a yacht sailing across the ocean. Ballast is weight, and it takes effort to carry it, but it also – in storms and heels – allows the ship to return to an upright position and move on, avoiding reefs.

  • Fifth stage: mature love

Relationships that involve passion, intimacy, and commitment characterize true love. Unfortunately, nothing stands still, and variability is perhaps the most invariable feature of life, therefore this stage of love is gradually transforming into something new.

When passion wanes (it happens to all couples), commitment and intimacy remain. This is the longest phase of love. In fact, it can last until death, provided that both you and your partner take care of your love: you are constantly interested in each other, help each other, respect each other, but also quarrel, do not avoid conflicts, but know how to do them. decide and negotiate.

What to do if feelings in a relationship fade away?

In the first stages of love, nothing needs to be done in order for the relationship to last and bring. Everything happens by itself. No over time, love needs to be taken care of.

The secret is not to change or influence your partner, but to take care of the relationship. When a couple creates new value, the relationship continues, grows, and satisfaction remains high. If this is the case, it is possible to say: the end of love.

When passion and intimacy fade, only devotion remains, which is the basis for founding. No in some other places you don’t have to worry about it. Only obligations and the feeling that we “should” be together remain, the unpleasant moments begin to outweigh the benefits of living together.

Unfortunately, most couples who have lived together for a long time are in an empty relationship. To avoid this, you need to do more good for your partner than bad, listen to him, open up and trust him, and be able to rejoice together.

If you neglect this, love will go out, just as a fire goes out when there are no more logs in it. And then the relationship falls apart: sometimes with a crash, and sometimes they die quietly.

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